Assignment #4

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    This assignment took me a while because I don’t have a DSLR, I have a bridge camera (Sony CyberShot). I didn’t know what to do but I finally went and bought a diffusion filter and did the best I could with the camera I have. 🙂

    Here is my first shot without the filter:

    Now here is my second shot with the diffusion filter:

    Duncan Rawlinson

    Great assignment.

    It’s wonderful to see you experimenting with filters even though your camera isn’t set up to allow for attachments. Did you just shoot through the filter while holding it in front of the camera? Either way, the effects are subtle, but lead to great improvements in the shot.

    The first image without the filter is very good. It has strong composition, great use of lines, color control and it’s focused and simplified. That being said, there is a harshness to the photograph that is less exaggerated in your diffused photograph. The diffuser softens the shadows and also seems to have slightly de-saturated your image. The changes are subtle, but it leads to completely different emotional responses from your audience.

    There is a much more “gentle” quality to your second image because of the softened shadows, and slight change in colors (notice that reds and pinks in his skin seem to be less exaggerated as well?).

    Your photograph is made up predominantly of blue and brown colors with skin tone highlights. The image uses shape in an interesting manner because the shapes created by the subject’s arms are similar to the angular shapes created by the lines in the wood behind the subject. The lines in the different parts of this image come together to create a very harmonious and well thought out composition.

    The perspective is also very interesting. It’s nice to see you experimenting with camera placement. It’s the easiest thing to change but at the same time the most underused compositional element. Because you’re standing over the subject and pointing down the image interprets weight and action differently.

    The pose of the subject is very reflective. We’re often most reflective laying down. It’s a time that we often have by ourselves free of interruption. A period of relaxation. The POV is interesting because it really allows your audience into your subjects mind. We wonder; “why the little smirk”, “I wonder what little things he’s thinking about”, “I remember being that age, what would have put such a smile on my face” etc. As you can see, it’s a very engaging photograph because it forces your audience to ask question. The questions themselves are more important than the answers, but it’s a great way to tell stories visually.

    Great composition and great story. Thank you for sharing this!

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