Assignment 6

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    Have you ever tried to take pictures of 7 kids running around having a water balloon fight without getting your camera wet? I was trying to simplify the world around them. Not only were there 7 kids, but tons of adults. So, I was trying to eliminate items and tell the story. I choose this pictures, because having it show one child tying up the balloons and another one blurred out buy tells the story of him olding the balloon easily so not to break it. The background had many things going on at once, and trying to eliminate as much clutter, but not lose the story. I did set aperture on this camera so that it focused is on the second child, as I love the look on her face as she tied the balloons for the little kids.

    Duncan Rawlinson

    Great work!

    This is likely one of the more complicated submissions we’ve had for this assignment so far. Many students try to find simplicity by limiting the number of objects in the frame. Which is a great way to organize larger areas of space. However, you’ve taken an incredibly chaotic scene, with not only many objects, but also people. To further complicate the assignment your subjects were not static. Seven, unpredictable, running kids is no easy task to photograph.

    One of the many things I like about this photograph is that you’ve used a shallow depth of field. This helps you provide context for your shot but it allows you to visually tell your viewer’s that beyond the context the background provides, it’s not your main area of interest. What it also does is it makes amputation less noticeable. This allows you to move more freely without having to worry as much about the 4 walls of your photograph.

    However, all elements in strong focus need to be composed well and you need to consider the object and its proximity to the frame. You’ve done a wonderful job of that.

    Not only were you able to incorporate a middle-ground and background, but you’ve also included a young child as a foreground object.

    My only concern is with the amputation of the foreground subject. Even though the child is slightly blurred, because of their placement they are regarded to be important to the scene and therefore you need to be careful with your amputation points. As a general rule of thumb you’ll want to try to avoid cutting of your subjects at their limbs. In this case the bottom of the frame cuts the child of at their neck which is a little distracting.

    Other than that, this is a great photograph. Thank you for submitting.

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