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  • #18476

    Interesting assignment, as I have never done B&W before. I’m a big fan of colour, but this opened my eyes to the very different qualities of black and white.

    Here I’ve submitted a couple that I thought worked quite nicely.



    Duncan Rawlinson

    Tom WOW!

    These are stunning! You have shot a couple of REALLY excellent images here.

    The only problem with these is the ISO. Set your camera to a much lower ISO and use a tripod and adjust your other settings accordingly. This will dramatically reduce the noise in the images. In static images (where nothing is moving) you can get away with really low ISO and longer shutter speeds. Take advantage of the fact that nothing is moving and take your time.

    Do you have adobe lightroom 3?

    That application has incredible noise reduction. So you can probably fix these but obviously it’s much better to shoot the images with lower ISO first.

    The tonal range and the overall quality of both of these images are fantastic.

    It’s just the noise.


    High Five!


    Cool. I think it often takes me a lesson or two before earlier lessons sink in!

    You’re critique on high ISO has been repeated several times since the beginning, and is down to the fact that I like shooting in low light and simply didn’t have a tripod. However, I finally bought one yesterday, so I’ll start using it going forward 🙂

    Not sure if I have Lightroom 3 – I have CS5 so I’ll check if I have that.

    Duncan Rawlinson

    Hey Tom,

    Sorry if I’m repeating myself on the ISO thing.

    It’s one of the most common mistakes…

    It’s also hard for me to remember what I have told various students…

    Are you on Twitter?

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