Re: Re: Assignment 1

Duncan Rawlinson

This is a great example of what this assignment asked for. These images showcase perfectly how the same object can expose itself based on the photographer’s decisions on where, why and how to place the camera.

You’ve changed a lot of elements in this photograph that I really liked. For starters, you’ve narrowed down what the image is about. The first image is about a wall and a lamp. The second image is about shape and light.

It’s important not only to analyze your good images, but also your less favourable images as well. We can learn a lot from our mistakes and it helps us articulate what elements of photography consistently distract from the overall image.

Looking at your first image There are a few things I want to point out. For starters, the lines in the wall to the left are slightly uneven making your photograph look mistakenly unbalanced. Most noticeably however, are the ‘blown out” areas of the photograph. Most digital cameras don’t have very much latitude (Also known as Dynamic Range). This is the technical term to describe the ability of the camera to capture a wide range in light and dark tones. Often, bare lighting sources lose all detail. Not only that, but the surrounding area looses all detail as well. Notice your wall is completely washed out and white. It lacks all detail. The detail in the wall and around the bulbs is lost. There is simply no digital information in that area and therefore it can’t be corrected in post production. To read more about latitude and how to avoid and correct it read our blog post here:

In your second image however, although there are still some issues with latitude around the light sources, it looks more artistic and planned out. It’s also much more subtle.

Overall, you’ve done a great job with this assignment. Just ensure those blown out areas do not interfere with the important parts of your image. Great work!