Re: Re: Assignment 1

Duncan Rawlinson

Great work with this assignment.

There are some common compositional errors in your “beast” image that are corrected in your “beauty” image. It’s worth taking a moment to identify a few of those technical issues so you can be sure to avoid those problems in the future.

For starters, your choice of framing for your “beast” photograph has caused some unsightly amputations (cut off by 1 or more of your 4 edges). For example, notice on the left side of the image the edge of the photograph has cut off part of the mouthwash bottle and even more severely another bottle that can’t be identified. It’s a common mistake for photographers to hyper-focus on the center of their image. This is after all, where the main action of the image is taking place. However, your 4 walls are equally as important. If you’re not careful with how where you chose to cut off your edges you’ll have a cluttered, disorganize composition. The partial inclusion of those objects looks accidental. Remember, it’s as important to know what to exclude from the composition as it is to know what to include. Ask yourself “does this add to my visual story”. If the answer is “no” then you might want to change your zoom or position to remove those objects.

However, in your “beauty” image, that issue has been resolved. Not only is your image more focuses, but its edges are also spectacularly clean and well organized. Congratulations.

Even though your beauty photograph uses less space, it has more of a sense of depth than your ‘beast” image. Your foreground, middle ground and background are more exaggerated, even though technically they take up less depth than in your other image. You’ve exaggerated this by positioning your camera close to your main object. This has exaggerated the illusion of 3 dimensions in a 2 dimensional space.

Great work on your first assignment!