Re: Re: Assignment 1

Duncan Rawlinson

Great work on your first assignment!

I’m pleased to see you catching onto photographic design concepts. One of the most noticeable design changes between your ‘beast” and “beauty” images is the incorporation of a stronger sense of depth and three dimensionality.

Your “beast” image is “flat” with very little sense of depth. Most of the action is taking place within the same layer. This gives the image a lifeless and dull feel. It appears 2 dimensional and boring from a compositional standpoint.

Your “beauty” image on the other hand has found a much stronger sense of depth through your change in perspective. Essentially, you have incorporated a stronger foreground which has exaggerated the illusion of depth, making your image appear to be three dimensional.

However, I would consider changing two things about your image. First, I would reconsider the balance of the image. You’ve centered your main object which means the image doesn’t abide by the rule of thirds. Secondly, it gives the image a formal balance, which is generally less dynamic and interesting than a shot that uses informal balance. By placing your object along the intersecting lines of the rule of thirds you can change your balance to be informal.

Placing your main object in the center of the frame is often a photographer’s gut instinct, but it rarely makes for the best photograph. Look at the following examples of great shots that don’t place their object in the center (i.e. shots with informal balance)




As you can see, by placing your main object off center you can generally help create a more dramatic and interesting composition.

My last comment has to do with lighting. You’ve used overhead lighting which also really flattens a composition. In your next assignment try to use side lighting. Front lighting and overhead lighting often hide the form of your objects. Side lighting on the other hand help the light mould around your subjects contours. This creates shadows which help further support the illusion of three dimensions. Side lighting also helps draw out texture. You can use a small lamp or a flashlight to experiment with this idea. The sun on sunset or sunrise also counts as side lighting (as long as the sun is pointing towards your subject’s shoulder). Try using fabrics or other highly textured materials when playing with side lighting. You’ll be happy you did!

I can’t wait to see your next assignment. Great job with this assignment!