Re: Re: assignment 1

Duncan Rawlinson

Hi there,

Welcome to the student forum. Thanks for submitting your first assignment.

Now you’ve gotten close to your subject in this image and that’s almost always good. If there is any one thing that can dramatically improve your photographs right away it’s get closer than you think is comfortable.

In this image you’ve composed it in such a way that the tomato is almost right in the middle of the image. Invariably when people start taking photos they always put things right in the middle. Later in the course you’ll learn more about composition but just know now that it’s almost never a good idea to put things right in the middle of the frame.

Also note how this image might have looked in focus on the small screen on your camera but when you actually look at it it’s slightly out of focus.

Whatever the case, you’ve done a relatively boring looking bush and made it more interesting using photography.

The minor issues in this image are no big deal and you will learn to improve these over time.

So job well done.

Thanks and see you on the next assignment.