Re: Re: Assignment 5 submission

Duncan Rawlinson

Excellent job. You’ve not only managed to limit the array of colors that enter your photograph but you also have a well composed image with lots of texture, a decent amount of contrast, nice color highlights and great control over depth.

Both artistically and technically this is a very well done photograph. Your assignment #3 submission is also a good example of color control within a photograph. In fact although I really like this photograph I think your lesson 3 submission serves as a good example of how you can use balance as an element to help create a more dramatic look. In that assignment the weight of the image is shifted to the left of the frame while the right side of the frame is predominantly negative space. In your most recent submission you’ve used a more centered approach and in my opinion the image is softer and less dramatic. This isn’t a bad thing, but it’s something to be aware about because you need to know what type of impact you’re going for. Are you going for dramatic and high contrast or gentle and soft?

Analyzing those two images next to each other is interesting because the subject matter is the same, but the composition and colors make them look distinct from one another.

That being said, I’m noticing your images are getting much more professional as you progress through the course. Just ensure you’re always aware of what tone you’re going for.

Great job!