Re: Re: Assignment Four

Duncan Rawlinson

Great shot. We haven’t had any fog effect filter submissions. It’s great to see you experimenting with these different ideas. It’s important to be brave with your photography and always push yourself to experiment with new things. By doing this you will end up opening very interesting artistic doors for yourself.

What’s interesting about this photograph is that you’ve decided to photograph the profile of the plant. What I like about the photograph is that you get visual access to the lines in the stem. However I think the photograph lacks a sense of depth that I think would have really made this photograph stand out. Again, it’s great to see you experimenting, but in this case, I think the profile flattened the image too much and stripped it of most of its 3 dimensionality.

But there is a lot of potential in this shot and you’ve done many things right. You have a very clear color pallet, you have an identifiable area in focus, you’ve managed to incorporate some depth with a shallow depth of field and distinguishable foreground, middle ground and background objects and your lighting is not bad. However, I think there is a lot of potential to pull out more texture in this image through the use of your positioning or by waiting for you lighting to change to be more directional.

Your composition is great from an organizational standpoint, but I feel the image could have been stronger with different framing (i.e. shooting down the stem of the plant, rather than from the profile angle). Other than that, I’m proud to see you playing with the artistic elements of photography and trying new things.

I look forward to seeing your next assignment.