Re: Re: Basic composition

Duncan Rawlinson

Great series of photographs. You’ve used large geographic space very wisely keeping mind the simplification and composition techniques discussed in previous assignments. Great work. You’ve accomplished exactly what was asked from you for this assignment.

I’ll go through each of the photographs and point out technical things to consider for next time.

In your first image the color palette is limited and you’ve isolated your main story. The image focuses on a seascape with your primary focus being on the water. However, I would like to see you play a little more attention to the placement and levels of your horizon line. Is very slightly slanted towards the right and it’s just above the center of the composition but not 2/3rds of the way up. I agree with you the water is the most interesting part of the composition and by bringing up your horizon line you could effectively showcase more water and less sky.

You’re second image is equally as impressive, but suffers from an even more exaggerated slant in the horizon line. Notice how the horizon slopes downwards towards the left?

However, I do like the implementation of a strong foreground object in this image. This also helps create a more powerful human story. When I look at this I can imagine myself in this environment and forces me to think about the thoughts I would likely have in this setting.

Your third image is my favorite out of the series. You used depth beautifully and you’ve used a railing as a “leading line” which helps draw your viewer’s eyes into the photograph. You’ve used lines as one of your primary photographic elements, yet there is enough happening in this image to keep me engaged and wandering around the composition.

The thing that I love most about all of these images is your control over space, objects and color. They are all very simplified without being flat or boring and you’ve managed to control the color palette even though you were working with a large space. I’m very happy to see you accomplish this! Great work.