Re: Re: Basic Composition

Duncan Rawlinson

What an amazing image.

My initial reaction to image was “wow”. It’s unusual to find such an opportunity to shoot a location where such strong shapes and lines exists.

You’ve incorporated a strong leading line, which helps guide the viewer’s eyes precisely to where you would want them to look. This is equally rare since lines have a tendency not to want to cooperate with photographers.

The bend in the leading line, as well as the bend in the shoreline give the photograph some variance in the types of lines used. This photograph uses an interesting mix of curved lines (i.e. Leading line, shoreline, top of the bridge) and straight lines (tower and the bottom of the bridge). This is a very visually satisfying balance of lines.

The lines and shapes in this image really make it stand out as an unusually good photograph.

My only concern, is a compositional one and has to do with your amputation point of the bridge. It comes across as slightly abrupt to me. It’s not necessarily wrong what you’ve done, but I think a change of lens would have helped you include the full length of the bridge. The right side of the photograph seems very complete to me. However, the left side seems unfinished.

Or what about sanding a bit further back to include more of the bridge without compromising the leading line? It’s hard for me to say because I can’t see the strategy behind your framing choices (i.e. maybe there was a ugly dumpster on the other side that you wanted to avoid getting in the shot).

Other than that, this is a great photograph.

Keep up the great work.