Re: Re: Black and White

Duncan Rawlinson

Hi Tamara,

This is another stunning image!

You’ve come a long way from this! 😉

The exposure ont the right of the frame is a little off. Notice you’ve list detail in her hair.

The models are nice but the expression on the the left feels a bit awkward or forced. When you’re all setup like this and ready you can shoot a whole bunch of shots to make sure you get the exact expression you want. It won’t hurt you to shoot a whole range of poses and styles as well.

I’ve noticed that you are doing some post processing on your images. That’s fine but just be aware of a few things. Never edit your master images. Only edit copies or referenced files.

Editing your original master files would be like taking old school film negatives and altering them physically… This is called destructive editing. Never do this! I’m not sure what you’re workflow is, just be careful not to do this.

Notice the halo effect thing that is going on here. This is what I mean by the post processing… Now it certainly adds a nice feeling to the image but also be aware that if you want to make prints it may not look the same on your screen as it does in your prints…

Now the main thing here is that you’ve shot a delightful image that has a nice tonal range in black and white. My notes above are minor…

I hope you keep progressing with your photography!

Don’t let anyone or anything stop you!

High fives from me!