Re: Re: Black and White…..

Duncan Rawlinson

Hi Amanda,

I have to say I expect more from you at this level of the course. Granted there is some tonal range here, the image itself doesn’t really feel suited to black and white.

If it’s not to much, I’d like to ask you to shoot another image for this assignment. I want you to wow me. I want you to work on creating an image that wows people! Something a person would buy and put up on their wall.

The main reason is that in this case I don’t think black and white is really suited. I want to see colors in the dried up items here but I don’t see it. I want to know the colors because I want to know what this actually is?!

Let me know what you choose to do.

When I’m slow to respond to you feel free to take the time to shoot more images for the same assignment.

There are no real rules here. Just getting better is the key!

I do appreciate the simplicity and the unusual choice of composition in the frame though!
