Re: Re: Filter Assignment

Duncan Rawlinson

Hi Richard,

You’ve done a great job here, especially since you intentionally we’re trying to remove the reflection from the image. You not only used a filter but you chose the right one. Notice a few things here though…

One thing is that in this image the reflection is not actually detracting from the image so it really doesn’t need to be removed. I do understand that for this assignment in particular you are trying to show your use of filters but I just want to mention, often reflections are fantastic. In other words I think the one with the reflection is a better image.

Here are some examples of reflections that really work:

That said not only is the reflection quite nice in this image but also, your image without the reflection is a bit out of focus and the whites are a bit blown out.

All that said, don’t worry that’s just practice. The key here is that not only have you done the assignment properly but you chose the right filter for what you we’re trying to do. So way to go.

Keep working toward thinking what you want you image to look like and what you need to do to achieve that look.

And don’t forget reflections can be awesome!

Thanks and see you on the next assignment. 😀