Re: Re: Filters

Duncan Rawlinson

Hi Paul,

The goal of this assignment was to get you to try out using filters on your camera.

In your case you’ve used a polarizer.

In simple terms, polarizer filters essentially have laser etched lines on them to take certain parts of the light spectrum and shoot them out to the side, away from your camera’s sensor. These lines are too small to see but they’re very good at diverting light.

Given that, one thing you should use polarizers for is removing reflections. For example, if you have to shoot something through glass (out a window you can’t open etc) you can use this filter to remove the reflection on the glass’ surface.

You may have to play around with the filter and rotate it until you have done so.

Polarizing filters can also darken skies, and add saturation to your photos. So they’re great for landscape photography.


Big Beach at Makena by laszlo-photo, on Flickr

It Doesn’t Get Any Better by Zach Dischner, on Flickr

You’ve already achieved the goal of this assignment which is to just get out and use some filters so job well done.

I highly encourage you to shoot with the right filter for the shot at the time. If you don’t have access to filters you can always use photoshop (only a little bit though).

I like your photos, I just would like you to have shot them in less harsh lighting… But you’ve understood the assignment…

Thanks for submitting your assignment!
