Re: Re: landscape

Duncan Rawlinson

Another great photograph!

Watching your progression from the beginning of this course until now has been incredible. I notice a much stronger sense of design in your photographs now. You’ve seemed to have had a strong eye for composition since the beginning, but the incorporation of secondary design elements such as color, pattern, shape, depth, texture, lighting and so on are much more present in your latest work. Congratulations!

You’ve used a fairly monochromatic color palette consisting of gradients of blue. This gives the image a cool feeling which is appropriate for the environment. You’ve also use a strong sense of depth and a leading line that helps bring your audience into the frame.

I only have 2 concerns with this image. Although it’s one of my favourite images of yours yet, it could still be improved slightly.

For starters your horizon line is in the center. While your sky does have some interesting elements to it, it’s still not as interesting as your foreground. I think you could have benefited by cutting some of your sky out and using more foreground.

This brings me to my second point. Your sky is very blown out which is why you also should consider using less of it. I’m not sure if I’ve given you a link to our blog post about “blown out” areas of a composition, but if you haven’t already please read the following post:

Blown out skies are common and often unavoidable. In your case for example, I can see that your foreground is properly exposed. Therefore if you decreased your exposure you might have saved some detail in the sky, but then you would risk underexposing the beautiful foreground. The solution is found in a gray-gradual filter. They are cheap and they let you expose for your foreground without loosing so much information in the sky.

The reason it’s important to use a filter is because you can correct this issue in post production. Blown out areas of your composition are essentially areas of lost information. You’ve pushed your camera past it’s technical limitations. However, a cheap gray-grad filter can help you correct this issue.

Overall, great work!