Re: Re: Lesson 1 assignment

Duncan Rawlinson

Well hello Cesar! Welcome!

Firs things first. If you aren’t already please add yourself to the IPS newsletter.

Also follow along on Twitter and @reply to say hello.!/photographyicon

Those are the best ways to keep up with what’s going on around here.

With respect to your first assignment I have to hand it to you. You’ve done really really well. The difference between these two images is quite amazing!

The idea is to implement that in all of your work. To go from boring A, to awesome B using your ever evolving photography toolkit.

Now in your image here there a couple minor items you could have improved.

For one, I’m not sure if you’ve done any post processing here but the vibrance and saturation of the image are so strong that they seem to be unnatural. A bit too much. If you are doing any post processing try to keep it subtle. Ideally for the purposes of your assignments here you will just shoot them and post them with minimal post processing.

Also note the highlights are clipping slightly in this image. A lower ISO and a tripod could have improved the sharpness a bit.

But don’t even worry about that stuff now. Just keep doing what you’re doing and progress through the course. I would encourage you to raise the bar with your assignments like you just did here.

Nice job.

See you on the next one.
