Re: Re: Lesson 1: Re-discovering your World

Duncan Rawlinson

Thanks for submitting your first assignment on the forum!!! You’re on your way to becoming a better photographer! Did you confirm that you’re on the newsletter? Also if you’re into twitter you can check out:

I see that you posted the assignment in two separate posts and then corrected it and posted it as one. Posting assignments as one post is best going forward.

Now onto your photos.

You submitted two photographs.

Your beast shot features a rather mundane piano photograph.

Your beauty shot is just that, a beauty. You’ve done several things well in this photograph.

For one, you’ve gotten in really close. This is probably the single most important lesson you can learn starting out with photography, GET CLOSE! You’ve done just that in this photo. You may have been able to even get closer though 😉

Also, whether intentionally or not you have warmed up the photo. I suspect this was done by your camera’s auto white balance setting. Either way, notice how the color of the image feels warmer?

A few minor things you could do to improve this image are as follows:

See that nice reflection? Show more of that. Reflections add another dimension to your work. Seek them out where you can and you will be amazed by the results.

Add people.
For some reason when people start out in photography they forget to add people to their photos. In this case you could add someones hands. If it’s just you, use your camera’s timer.

Depth of Field.
DoF will be covered in several of the upcoming lessons so you needn’t worry too much about it now. But in this image you’ve got most of the keys in focus. In the future I’d like you to be able to decide if you want all the keys in focus or just a few using shallow depth of field. You will learn to do this in later lessons.

For example:

Talento by emilianohorcada, on Flickr

Overall you’ve done well for your first assignment.I’m glad you’re up and running on the student forum. I look forward to helping improve your photography!

Don’t forget to submit a photo for this month’s contest.