Re: Re: Lesson 11

Duncan Rawlinson

This is exactly what we were looking for from this assignment. Your changes are subtle and realistic yet the visual impact is beneficial to the overall image.

You’ve managed to maintain proper skin tones which greatly helps you maintain the realistic look to the image, but your increases in contrast help you draw out the interesting texture in the wall. Since the brick wall makes up the majority of the space within this image, it’s only right for it to be as interesting as possible, without upstaging your primary object.

When I look at the edited image I feel like I can touch the brick. I love the detail in the small spaces between the bricks in your edited image.

This photograph also abides by the rule of thirds and has great color control. You’ve limited your color palette to gradients primarily made up of brown, blue and black.

Your 4 walls are perfectly clear of distracting elements and little secondary details such as the small highly textured ledge near the bottom of the frame and the small sections of vegetation (i.e. the small weed in the bottom – left corner), help give this image life and ensure it contains enough detail to not be perceived as boring. Another great example of secondary element would be the bright red brick that seems to be different than all the others. It’s small details like this that help give life to this photograph. Great work!

You haven’t used layers (i.e. foreground, middle ground, background), but that’s okay in this case because the strong texture of the brick helps provide the illusion of 3 dimensions and ensures your image is full of life.

This is definitely one of your strongest images.