Re: Re: Lesson 11

Duncan Rawlinson

Fantastic work!

My initial reaction to this photograph was very positive.

The changes you made were subtle but obvious enhancers. Bringing out slightly more saturation in the sky helped give the image a splash of color to contrast with the earth tones below.

The photographic element that I love most about the image is your use of balance, negative space and most importantly depth. The field comes very close to the front of our camera and therefore you’ve incorporated a very strong foreground. Imagine the image without such a strong foreground. Put your hand over the bottom 2 inches of the frame and imagine the image with only a middle ground and background. By incorporated a foreground into the photograph you’ve really increased the image’s presence.

The only thing I would like you to consider with this photograph is your main object placement. It’s not quite centered and it doesn’t quite abide by the rule of thirds. Your main object is placed somewhere in the middle of those two points and it gives the composition a bit of an awkward or unintentional feel.

Other than that, I really love this image. Great work!