Re: Re: Lesson 12. Portfolio

Duncan Rawlinson

Hey Santiago,

Thanks for sending in your photography portfolio.

First image I saw was this one. Which I feel is over-saturated or a too vibrant.!i=2405068197&k=5tH9wpQ

I would remove that image.

Also the name “empty spaces” doesn’t really inspire confidence and sounds a bit boring. Simply architecture would do.

This image is the thumbnail for the street and people category:!i=2405044526&k=sCNx763

This image is out of focus.!i=2405038968&k=Mk8b4sH

It might be intentionally out of focus but if you look at it at varying screen sizes it might not be clear so I would remove it.

This is a great image and it should be featured more prominently:!i=2405040994&k=BS6dc3K

This is great as well.!i=2405058254&k=tKqCwm9

This is a weak landscape image and should be removed:!i=2405004417&k=2JzDmgb

This is fantastic and should be featured more prominently:!i=2405007534&k=5G2LVzN

Overall you’ve got some really outstanding images.

Don’t dilute them by showcasing your images that are not as strong.

Do you own the domain name for your name? or .co or something like that?

If you can afford it I would setup a domain/website and put photoshelter on it.

What do you think about that?