Re: Re: Lesson 2 assignment

Duncan Rawlinson

Thanks for submitting your second assignment.

Going forward please wait until your current assignment has been critiqued before you move onto the next assignment.

For anyone looking at this in the future here is the wikipedia page for her:

Here are a couple examples of Graciela Iturbide remarkable photographs:
[attachment=1:sgrny5p2]La frontera, Tijuana, México (The Border, Tijuana, Mexico) 28509301.jpg[/attachment:sgrny5p2]
La frontera, Tijuana, México (The Border, Tijuana, Mexico)

[attachment=0:sgrny5p2]Nuestra Senora de las Iguanas, Juchitán, Oaxaca Our Lady of the Iguanas, Juchitán, Oaxaca 28477801_zm.jpg[/attachment:sgrny5p2]
Nuestra Señora de las Iguanas, Juchitán, Oaxaca Our Lady of the Iguanas, Juchitán, Oaxaca

She certainly has some remarkable images.

I want you to be careful about falling into the trap of thinking that black and white photographs are somehow inherently more dramatic than color photographs. This is a common misconception. What makes a dramatic photograph is dramatic subject matter!

You will learn more about black and white photography as the course progresses.

I hope that you can learn from Graciela Iturbide’s work that if you put yourself in interesting situations you can often get interesting photographs! You just have to be ready and have some technical know how. That just takes practice!!! So keep shooting!!!

Keep in mind if you ever have questions you can always ask them here or send them to