Re: Re: Lesson 2: Influence & Inspiration

Duncan Rawlinson

WOW. Lauren you have written one of the most interesting essays to date on this student forum.

I’m glad that you took the time and did some research for this assignment. Not only did you research the assignment but you spent time thinking about it. My heart swells with pride when I see work like this. Hopefully that doesn’t sound too weird!

Mothers have so much influence on our lives. It would be hard for me to say that my mother wasn’t directly involved in getting me into photography. I used to hate it when she would line us up and make us all smile and say cheese!

I love those photos now.

She would do something like your mother did for me. She would always ensure that I created a photo album from my photos every time I went anywhere. And now I have this great collection of photos from my youth.

So I’m glad that you’ve narrowed down who has influenced you and made you the photographer that you are.

The uniqueness (is that a word?!), the attention to detail, the images, and the personality you injected into your assignment makes for an excellent piece. You have done a fantastic job on this!

Of course, what’s really important is that you’ve refined the way you think about your photography. Not to mention you now have the work of 50 great photographers sitting on your coffee table!!

All of this is important for your development as a photographer. Keep your mother in the back of your mind when your shooting.

Thanks for your submission. It made my day.

Now, onto the next assignment!!!

Sorry if I was slow in responding.

All the best.