Re: Re: Lesson 2 Inspiration


Thank you for the feedback. I was torn between Richard Avedon and Galen Rowell and I am still not sure that Mr. Rowell isn’t just as inspiring to me. I guess it’s what the moment calls for. My husband and I do a lot of flat water kayaking and I never go without my camera. I have taken some wonderful pictures just like I have taken wonderful pictures at weddings but I feel like there are moments that I miss or could capture better if I understood my camera more. I am very much looking forward to sharpening my skill and then the sky is the limit.

Thank you for the posts on pictures and artists. I enjoyed them very much and I look forward to learning more. I have been wanting to take a course like this for a very long time…20 years…and now that I have made the decision to do it I wonder why I took so long. This is a photo I took at a recent wedding…I am really looking for advice on whether or not I have an eye for photography or is it just wishful thinking. It’s probably not the time in the lessons to ask but I have never had a professional look at any of my work…what do you think? Is this a career worth pursuing for me? [attachment=0:2yr473k2]254592_1992564006908_1027624640_2420111_4647162_n.jpg[/attachment:2yr473k2]