Re: Re: Lesson 3: Motion & Depth of Field Pics

erja kaikkonen

Thanks for your feedback! With the water moving that’s exactly what I was aiming for.. I guess I still have to practice a bit. I was shooting with a tripod but it wasn’t very stable. Perhaps I need to buy a new one.

Thanks for the tips re One Shot, Al Focus and Al Servo – very useful.

As to the lenses and my problem with the aperture. I have two lenses – a basic Canon EFS 18-55 mm – with which the aperture goes down to about f/4.0 – and a Sigma DG 70-300 mm – with which the aperture goes only to about f/5.0.

In fact, I find it difficult to keep changing lenses for close and far away shots. Could you recommend a lens that covers for as many types of photos as possible?

Thanks again!