Re: Re: Lesson 4

Duncan Rawlinson

Ok great.

That’s what I thought but I just wanted to make sure.

The goal of this assignment is to get you to learn a little about filters and how they can impact your images.

Using a polarizing filter can actually be problematic for a number of reasons. For instance a polarizing filter means up often nee the exposure of 2 or even 3 stops more light than normal.

This is exactly what happened in this image. Your image with the filter is underexposed by a couple of stops. Take a look at the histogram and you will see what I mean. In fact the sky in this image is almost totally black. I’m going to guess that this is Boudhanath and that it was relatively high altitude which I suspect could also pose some potential issues here.

Another problem with these filters is that they’re hard to see until you’ve shot the photo and are looking at the screen. It’s really hard to see the impact they have through the viewfinder. Yet another issue is that the angle of your camera relative to the sun of the light source will impact the performance of the filter. It’s actually quite complicated and the more you know the more complicated they are.

All of that said polarizing filters can help you achieve that nice deep blue colour in the sky. These filters will minimize almost all harsh reflections. Especially from water. All of that makes the polarizing filter a great tool but you need to practice using it.

Whatever the case you need more practice with these filters and you must remember to compensate your exposure depending on the kind of filter you are using.

Keep practicing my friend!