Re: Re: Lesson 5

Duncan Rawlinson

Great assignment.

I think this is your strongest assignment yet. In fact, it seems to me that your ability to organize color comes quite naturally. I’ve noticed it in your previous assignments as well. You’ve also been quite brave with your composition in terms of space. You haven’t solely shot macro photographs in order to organize color (although in this case you did).

I really like both of these photographs. They accomplish exactly what was asked from you for this assignment.

Your first image relies on symmetry, color and texture to communicate to your audience. I do however, have a comment about this photograph.

When I enlarged the image to its full size I noticed the entire image has a slightly soft focus. You can’t notice it when the image is small, but you’ll find if you can get the sharpest focus possible in your raw image, not only can you easily elarge your print, but it will also help draw out subtle textures in your small prints as well.

It could be caused by either very slightly camera shake, or by using too high of an iso speed (which generally adds a bit of “noise” to the image).

Your second image is also beautiful but suffers from very subtle soft focus as well. It looks like your focal point is a half an inch before your flower petal. If your camera has an “expand focus” option on it you might want to consider using that. It allows you to temporarily zoom in and focus your image, before changing back to your normal settings and allowing you to capture your image.

In this image your focus is better though and it has allowed you to pull out some of the small textural details. The lighting obviously helps as well but a strong focus will make those textures jump out of your image. I know it sounds like a small technical detail, but it makes a huge difference.

For example notice how you can find the focal point in this image even those most of it is blurred.

it’s a game of precision, especially with macro photography. Focus that is off a quarter inch could give your image a soft focus or put your audiences attention in the wrong spot (i.e. Unintentionally putting your audience’s attention on a leaf rather than the flower petal).

Other than that, great work. I really enjoyed looking at both of these images!