Re: Re: lesson 5 by Annette #3

Duncan Rawlinson

Hi Annette,

Nice work here. You’ve shown that you clearly understand how to simplify a photograph with color. So job well done for the assignment.

There are some other issues going on here that we should discuss though.

Your first image of the couple (btw is this you?!) is out of focus and crooked. I understand that this assignment is about color but you need to remember that the basics like focus and straight horizon lines are critical as well.

Ideally each image you shoot should stand on its own and shouldn’t just be for the assignment. Do you know what I mean? Each photo should be technically sound as well.

Now your last image is much better. It’s in focus and it features color and patterns as the primary organizing principle.

Good job here but remember, have fun and shoot with previous lessons in mind.