Re: Re: Lesson 6

Duncan Rawlinson


I was just snorkeling on the great barrier reef the other day and it killed me that I didn’t have an underwater housing.

I was just there for fun though and not shooting anything seriously.

Onto the assignment itself.

Now this is what I’m talking about. Your first image is stunning. 😯 It is positively beautiful! I have nothing to say to improve it. It’s gorgeous. The pattern in the reflection is delightful and the overall feel of the image is wonderful. This is sort of the embodiment of this quote:

If your photographs aren’t good enough, you’re not close enough.” -Robert Capa

You got close and you shot a stunning photograph that is perfectly composed.

Your second and third photo is also nice and clean as well although the subject matter isn’t as inherently interesting.

I’ve come to realize that nobody really likes photos of seagulls and yet everyone likes taking pictures of them! Funny right?! I do this all the time. I take photos of sea gulls and then I regret it later. They’re just not that interesting to look at and they are everywhere…

The footprints in the sand is also a classic image and it’s nice but beware that people have seen this type of photography many times.

From a compositional standpoint both images are excellent although the gull could be tighter/closer.

You’ve proven that you understand how to simplify your frame and remove ALL distracting elements here.

You get a 10 out of 10 on this one Michael! 😉 You’re raising the bar of the quality of work here, and that’s good.


See you on lesson 8.