Re: Re: Lesson 8 Assignment

Duncan Rawlinson

This concept is great. I think this is a wonderful idea for a staged photograph. When you look at this photograph you get hit with thoughts, questions and powerful imagery. Your composition is great (maybe a little too centered though) but there are no distracting elements and nothing that’s amputated poorly. It’s very well thought out.

The only thing I’m going to point out here has to do with your tonal range. Now you probably think it’s not fair that I’m going to pick on you about a subject that you don’t learn until the next lesson, but this is a great opportunity for you to learn about this advanced black and white composition technique.

I copied your image into Photoshop so you could see how it responded to your “levels” (See the next lesson if you’re not familiar with levels yet). You’ll notice you have two big spikes in the dark grey area and in the almost white area. But you have nothing in the darkest of the blacks or the whitest of the whites.

You could have used this same photograph to get a winder tonal range, but you may have had to underexpose it a little to get the dark black. Maybe you could have given it some side lighting to further bring out the textures in the hands and highlight the white areas.

While your tonal range in this picture is pretty good, it could be improved just slightly by taking photographs with different lighting and different exposures.

Try “bracketing” when you’re taking photographs like this. This means you will take one photograph the way you like it, then take the same photograph exposed 1 notch higher, and take the last photograph exposed one notch lower. Then you’ll have a range to choose from!

All the best. Keep up the good work.

p.s. the levels for this picture are added as the attachment.