Re: Re: Lesson 8 assingment


I am glad that the outcome is satisfying, it was a bit challenging to create something with things at home. I reckon there is a problem with lighting, I don´t have a tripod with me, having one, would have helped to create a better atmosphere and maybe use a different angle to create other feelings.

I thought the ketchup can represent blood coming from a suicidal tomato half… 😀

And yes, I know which kind of photography I like, it is travel and urban photography (of people and buildings, day and night).I also like photojournalism, actually I was a photographer at a university newspaper last year, but mainly I enjoy picturing what I see and try to transmit the feeling it gives me through the picture.
If you look at my flickr ( you might find examples of this. It would be great to have some comments from you and see if you detect any evolution in my style in the last months.

I love pictures from Garcia Rodero, Capa, Cartier-Bresson, Bruce Davidson,… so that is the style I like, but I am open to many others.