Re: Re: Lesson 9

Duncan Rawlinson

Great work with this assignment. My initial reaction to both of your photographs was very positive.

This assignment asked that you show your understanding of tonal range by submitting photographs that have both range and imbalance. I hope you found the assignment interesting and challenging. It’s not easy to see the world in tones (grey tones become increasingly difficult to tell apart), but you’ve done a great job of having both tonal range and imbalance.

For instance, in your first photograph you have brilliant whites in your background and rich darks in your foreground. You also have a plethora of grey tones which are full of detail and texture. What I love about this image (amongst other things) is that it is technically strong. You have carried forward the technical teachings of previous lessons to ensure your image isn’t only strong as a black and white photograph, but as a well composed photograph in general.

Your second image is equally as strong and I love how you’re seeking ways to frame patter, repetition and lines as a main theme in your image. It’s challenging, but fun to try and find these patterns in our natural and man made environments. They exist more often then we think, so it’s nice to see you experimenting with this.

Overall, great work on this assignment!