Re: Re: Movement and depth of field

Duncan Rawlinson

Thank you for submitting this assignment.

I understand that it can be difficult to achieve a photograph with a shallow depth of field when using a camera that doesn’t have much (if any) control over aperture settings. However, considering your limitation I still think you’ve done a good job with slightly softening the focus of the background to help you place emphasis on, and isolate the foreground.

My only concern with this image is the image’s sense of balance. There are some naturally occurring lines in the photograph. For example, the garbage can has two vertical lines, there is a horizontal line in the middle of the photograph and the tree trunk the squirrel is standing on also acts as a line. However, I feel that the garbage can is one of the primary objects of the photograph and therefore the lines within that object are of more concern. The change I would make with this photograph is as follows. For starters, don’t amputate (i.e. cut off) the top of the garbage can with the top wall of your frame. The garbage can in one of your primary objects so it should be included in its entirety.

Secondly, the line of the garbage can on the left side of the frame should run parallel with the left side of the frame. This would help create a stronger sense of balance and would help you “clean up the edges of your frame. Right now, it looks kind of lopsided. The good news is that these technical issues are easy to fix by simply repositioning your camera. But it’s important to always keep an eye out for the “leveling” of the lines in your compositions.

The next shots accomplish exactly what this assignment asked of you. Both shots freeze the movement of the flags blowing in the wind.

Overall, great work on this assignment. I’m looking forward to seeing what you do next!