Re: Re: Paolo Woods

Duncan Rawlinson

Your piece was excellent.

It was very well researched, written, and thought out.

In fact this is one of the most precise and coherent essays I’ve seen at this Photography School.

Here are a couple photos by Paolo Woods from his chinafrique story:



His work is just as you said:

at the crossroad between art and journalism

This is an interesting place to be. It is an often dangerous place as well.

Your point about the

tripartite reflection (subject, photography and viewer

is really interesting. If you think about it that dynamic occurs in all photography. Paolo Woods just takes this to the extreme.

Another photographer you may want to start learning about is James Nachtwey if you haven’t already.

I hope this assignment and the course is refining your thoughts on photography. In turn, I hope this makes you a more thoughtful, and more interesting photographer.

Thanks for your submission.