Re: Re: Photoshop


Thank you for all the great criques! I agree with the focus of the eyes I used a monopod on the boat but it was hard to keep stable.. the sail boat was a bit tippy. Editing and the photoshop playground can seem endless and i find I have to watch NOT to let if over take my photography! Sometimes I find even if I had a terrible picture but i didn’t want to miss the moment instead of throwing the picture away I’ll throw it into photoshop and surprised what I can save. ps. Yes i always shoot in Raw then upload to Lightroom or photoshop and then save file as a JPG.
As far as my weekend unfortunately I was shooting a wedding and my back gave out. (baby is due in 3 weeks 😯 ). Went to Dr. and they said I ruptured my L4-L5 disk in my spine. So now im in a wheel chair or bedrest full time. I’m glad it came at the end of this course rather then lesson one! 😆
At least studding for the final will keep me busy because i’m getting cabin fever! 😈