Tag: featureshoot

Behold the Glitz and Grandeur of Russia’s Metro Stations Built by Stalin in the 1930s

In the early 1930s, Joseph Stalin and his longtime associate Lazar Kaganovich conceived of and oversaw the building of the the Moscow Metro, a palatial underground network designed in large part to inspire reverence and devotion for the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Eighty years since its opening in 1935, Vancouver-based photographer David Burdeny walks beneath the high marble ceilings and decadent chandeliers, capturing what remains of the still-glittering facade that once belied a dark and painful history.

Source: Behold the Glitz and Grandeur of Russia's Metro Stations Built by Stalin in the 1930s - Feature Shoot

These 40 Hiking Photos From Around the World Will Give You Serious Wanderlust – Feature Shoot

Hiking and art-making might seem at first like unrelated pastimes, but a small glimpse through history will reveal the two recreations are often inextricably intertwined. Hiking for sport came into prominence in the late 1700s, born in large part from the Romanticism that permeated contemporary art movements. As European cities became increasingly industrial, creative minds flocked to the hilly countryside in hopes of reconnecting with the sublime in nature. Painters like German-born Caspar David Friedrich frequently pictured lone hikers dwarfed by the divine and sprawling landscape that surrounded them, rendering moments in which mankind was at once humbled and exalted by the powers of the wilderness.

Source: These 40 Hiking Photos From Around the World Will Give You Serious Wanderlust - Feature Shoot