Tag: leica

Leica Photographer Interviews

Leica is celebrating 60 Years of the legendary Leica M camera system by interviewing photographers who use the system. In each of the following videos photographers discuss their experience with Leica and their favorite image captured with the Leica system.

Peter Marlow | petermarlow.com

Ian Llewellyn | ianllewellynphotography.com

Sarah Lee | sarahmlee.com

Matt Stuart | mattstuart.com

Paul Fuller | paulfullerphotography.com

Olaf Willoughby | theleicameet.com | olafwilloughby.com

Tom Stoddart | tomstoddart.com

Matt Humphrey | matthumphreyimages.com

Kelly Preedy | @kellypreedy

Stuart Franklin | stuartfranklin.com

Videos by Leica UK

A Life With Leica Video

This is a great little video that outlines the Danish photographer Thorsten von Overgaard's philosophy on photography whilst he shoots the streets of Rome, Italy.