Tag: outdoors

Epic Timelapse From Austria

The folks at filmspektakel created this amazing timelapse from Austria. Head over to vimeo to see the details of the video. I think the sound design is almost as remarkable as the timelpase itself. In fact most good films and videos have great sound. Getting good sound is half the battle.

Filmspektakel describes this timelapse as follows: "The scenery of our home country Austria is beyond compare. We live in the heart of Europe where we have a spectacular combination of cultural and natural attractions. No matter what time of year, Austria will welcome you with „Schmäh“ and „Gemütlichkeit“. We hope you enjoy this glimpse into the atmosphere of Austria’s cities and landscapes. By the way: The voice-over is original footage of Felix Baumgartner's stratos mission in 2012. Technical Details: After 2 years (2013-2015) of filming in the whole country, we gathered about 600 time-lapse clips, which is about 5TB of raw footage. Produced by: Thomas Pöcksteiner // Peter Jablonowski"

100 Mind Blowing Photographs

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All of the photos above were Creative Commons Licensed as of April 16th 2011. To view these photos on flickr click the attribution links below.

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