Reply To: Insperation

Duncan Rawlinson

Thanks for submitting your assignment. I’m glad you took the time to think about this.

It’s sort of unusual to have to write a little thing like this before your move on. It may be obvious but you’re fully appreciate this later on.

There are a few key takeaways here.

One thing is that you have immediately stumbled on one of the great lessons that can be learned in photography and that is, learn from painters. Painters have been working on composition and color for thousands of years so your instincts here are amazing! There is a great deal to be gained from just looking at what the masters of painting do and don’t do with color and composition and gesture.

I’m fact here is an entire lecture on this very subject:

Now beyond this I think you’ve already established that you like portraits and landscapes which is great because these the most common types of photos.

I also notice another key insight you made. That your aunt worked hard on her art. You used the words love, patience, care, and detail. All of those make for a good photographer.

Your instincts are great and I’m glad you’re on your way. Keep it up!

Thanks for submitting your assignment.