Re: Re: Lesson 1

Duncan Rawlinson

Welcome to the student forum!

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Here’s a little spiel about getting on the forum here.

Did you confirm that you are on the email list by clicking on that link in the email you received?

Also, are you on twitter? If so follow: There will be updates posted there.

If you could add your twitter username in a response here that would be great. (so I can add you to the twitter list) If not no worries!

Also you can edit your forum signature and add your pic here.

You’ve taken steps to become a better photographer already. You’re on your way!

Not only have you enrolled in the course but you’ve taken action by submitting your first photos!

Onto the critique:

So this was your first assignment. I don’t like to do this on the first assignment but I’m going to have to ask you to re-shoot this one! The only reason is that the goal of this assignment is to try to find a mundane item and try to make it look interesting. In this shot you’ve photographed something very intricate, detailed and inherently interesting. That’s not the goal of the assignment. I trust that you understand what I mean.

No worries if you don’t feel like it!

Let me know.
