Re: Re: Lesson 4 using Circluar Polarizer

Duncan Rawlinson

Beautiful image!

There are so many strong technical elements to this photograph. Let’s start by discussing those first.

I was most impressed by your ability to isolate your layers. If the plane was just a little lower, the horizon line would have been interrupted. While that wouldn’t have necessarily been wrong, I think your choice of positioning is perfect for this photograph.

Not only that, but as the audiences eyes wonder towards your horizon line, we are greeted with very distinct layers of color. In the closest layer we have a yellow / brown field. After that we have a green middle ground which comes just slightly before the small light brown mountains in the background.

The earth-tone colors of your backdrop are slightly less saturated due to the subtle atmospheric element. This further helps isolate the high saturation of the colors within the airplane.

Not only are your layers and color palette well organized and clear, but the image is also strong from an object placement and composition standpoint. Your horizon line abides by the rule of thirds and there is slightly more room in front of the plane then behind it, giving the photographs a well balanced look.

The one thing I would like to you see you experiment with more is your placement as a photographer. Camera placement is the easiest thing to change yet it’s experimented with very little. We love to take photographs standing up and most of our photographs are images that represent our height as humans. But try experimenting by laying down and shooting up or getting up on higher objects. Try to experiment with camera placement for your next assignment and see what visual ideas it helps stimulate.

Great work.