4Parker – repost

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  • #17683
    Duncan Rawlinson

    Hello. I’m reposting this in the right category as to keep the student HUB organized!

    When I read this assignment, my first thought was I don’t think I am really very familiar with any photographers. The only ones that I could think of off the top of my head where Ansel Adams, Annie Leibovitz and Anne Geddes. Even with those three, I don’t know very much about any one of them. So, I think I will just write a little on each one.

    When I think of Ansel Adams, the first thing that comes to mind is his pictures of Yosemite National Park. They are so beautiful, they almost look unreal. Although, I had the opportunity to visit Yosemite and I must say, I thought the same thing standing right in front of those mountains! While I think the photos taken by Ansel Adams are incredible, I enjoy pictures of people much more. That brings me to think of Annie Leibovitz.

    The first thing that comes to my mind when I think of Annie Leibovitz is the pictures she has taken of celebrities. Some of her best known photos are one the one of a naked John Lennon curled up next to a clothed Yoko Ono. She also made headlines with a photo of Demi Moore naked when she was pregnant. Her photos have been on national exhibit tours and she has also published several books. What I love most about Annie Leibovitz photos are the feelings and emotions that she can capture. The expressions on the person’s face leave me wishing I could know more about them. While there are many pictures taken by Annie that I personally don’t care for; I am still always impressed at her creativity. Who would have thought to take a picture of someone in a bath of milk?!

    Out of the three photographers, Ansel Adams, Annie Leibovitz and Anne Geddes, Anne Geddes is definitely the photographer that inspires me the most. She is one of the most respected photographers in the world. Her work is award winning and internationally acclaimed. Her pictures give me such strong feelings; beauty, innocence, vulnerability and love. To be able to capture those feelings in a photograph seems unattainable to me right now. However, it is a goal I will continue to work toward. I don’t want to be a famous photographer but just to be able to take beautiful pictures of loved ones or friends loved ones, and be able to capture some of those feelings. It amazes me that she is self-taught. I try so hard, reading the books, taking a class like this and still feeling like I don’t have a clue what I am doing! I actually love her black and whites much more then the photos of the children or babies as part of a flower. I also love that her pictures represent her love for all children and her belief that we must protect, nurture and love all children.

    What has inspired me more then any of these famous photographers is women that took pictures of my children many years ago. She was a stay at home Mom who loved to take pictures and needed to make some extra money. She started taking pictures of family and friends children and the next thing she knew she was being hired to take pictures of other people’s children. The photos she took of my kids where done about 10 years ago. I look at them now and can see their personalities from back then. She captured them perfect! Forever freezing one of the best times of my life. If I could live her story, that would be the best!!

    Duncan Rawlinson

    Thank you for sharing this. It’s always nice to hear that a source of inspiration isn’t always a big name in photography, but someone with a passion for the art!

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