Ansel Adams

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  • #18065

    As with many photographers, I think Ansel Adams has been most inspirational to me. I don’t really like
    the more abstract, almost weird works of some photographers. But then abstract Art also does not appeal to me either. I guess I am old fashioned and like realism better.
    The works of Ansel Adams are so great to look at. They grab your attention as they have such great initial impact. He always has just the right angle and uses interesting lighting to capture works that immediately draw you in with their bueaty. He captures landscapes that are unforgettable. Alot has to do with his incredible eye at seeing the opportunity for a great picture. For example the picture in the assignment that has the winding river and the majestic mountains in the background. It also has a wonderful cloudy sky adding more interest.
    In the past year I have been working on landscapes. To me the lighting is very important. It needs to be special lighting to add drama to the picture such as during a storm or those moments before sunset or sunrise. The angle is important to have something in the foreground as well to add more interest. It is nice if it can have three elements a nice foreground, good central part and a nice background. I think I once read where Ansel Adams said he was happy if once in awhile he got a good photograph. I find this as well I take alot of pictures and have very few that I am happy with. I think there are so many photographs out there that the competition is stiff to capture something bueatiful and memorable.

    Duncan Rawlinson

    Thank you for submitting this short summary regarding your photographic inspiration. It’s great to hear you’re ability to deconstruct others work. That will benefit you greatly as you progress as a photographer.

    Good luck completing the rest of the assignments.


    What you wrote doesn’t make sense to me You said thank you for submitting this summer what does that mean? Also what do you mean by deconstruct work?

    Duncan Rawlinson

    Sorry about that. Spell check changed a word on me! (I’ve made the changes above)

    As for “deconstruction”: it’s the ability to look at your work or other photographer’s work and “deconstruct” the composition. For example, you’ve been able to identify what compositional elements interest you about Ansel’s work. For instance, you’ve identified the importance of a strong foreground object, lighting, background etc).

    Actively, looking and analyzing others work is important in understanding what you want out of yourself as a photographer. it’s important to get past the visceral effect of the artwork and look at it from a technical standpoint as well… which you’ve shown the ability of doing in your write-up.

    That was what I meant to communicate!

    Sorry for the wording mix-up.


    I have been a member of a website called fanartreview for about two years now.
    We review others work and have our work reviewed so it has helped me quite a bit

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