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  • #18200

    As a mom of a very active autistic, pubescent boy.. I feel lucky when I can sneak away for a quiet moment. Sometimes, something as simple as a bath can calm the nerves and sooth the senses. [attachment=0:48p69uhx]Voyeur.jpg[/attachment:48p69uhx]

    Duncan Rawlinson

    Hi there,

    We’ll get back to you on this within 24-48 hours.

    Thanks for submitting your assignment!!

    Duncan Rawlinson

    Hi there!

    Thanks for submitting your assignment!

    The assignment:

    This lesson is about finding a way to reproduce something you imagine in your mind onto your camera’s film or CCD chip. It could be a scene from a day dream or just something you think up on the spot. Try to use your imagination to ensure it’s as dramatic as possible. You have complete creative control of this photograph. You’re not waiting for a decisive moment, and you can place anyone or anything in any position you wish. Use your imagination and have fun. Think about costumes, dramatic lighting, contradicting items, dark gloomy themes, bright, overexposed themes. Below are some more examples to get you thinking.

    Now with this assignment in particular there is no way for me to tell what is wrong or what is right. If this was the exact image you had in your mind and you went out and shot it then job well done. However, I doubt this was what you meant to convey.

    You did manage to convey the idea of warmth and calm which is great. However there are some serious flaws with this image.

    As someone who is viewing this photograph I have no idea what is what. I can see some candles, bubbles, and a glass but there is no dimensionality or frame of reference to the image. I don’t know what is up from down. Where does the bathtub end and where does it begin? For that matter is this a bathtub?


    1: There are three huge areas of near complete darkness in the image. Dark areas aren’t inherently bad but I’m not sure why these are here.

    2: The bubbles are good and they’re virtually the only element that gives some indication as to what’s what. Don’t forget the person viewing your image will have absolutely no idea what the room you’re in looks like. We only get to see what’s in the frame.

    3: Don’t forget to set the white balance for your camera. The light in this image looks overly warm and often this is an indication that the white balance is set incorrectly.

    4: The aspect ratio of this photograph is odd. Was it cropped? If so try to remember that if you choose an arbitrary aspect ratio you’ll have trouble sizing the photograph for a traditional frame for a print. If you use a non standard ratio there will be issues if you try to use this photo anywhere…

    There are many things “wrong” with this photo. What’s more important than what’s “wrong” is that you’ve submitted the assignment and you’ve tried to complete it. I’m happy that you submitted it but I want you to work harder on your next composition. It’s hard to keep all of the lessons in mind, trust me I know. I struggle with all of this every time I shoot. Just stay focused and remember to have fun! If you feel inclined to submit another photograph for this assignment I’d be happy to look at it.


    Try again..[attachment=0:17zale4r]_DSC0035.JPG[/attachment:17zale4r]

    Duncan Rawlinson

    Thanks for submitting your assignment.

    First things first.

    This is MUCH better!

    Here’s a couple quick notes on it:


    1. Sensor Dust.
    Your sensor or your lens is dirty! This is really annoying for all photographers and it can be hard to detect. You may have to clean your lens or your sensor.

    2. Potential crop.
    Often shooting in portrait instead of landscape is more ideal for things that are quite vertical and tall in nature. This is a potential crop or another way you could have shot this image. (like most things this is quite subjctive)

    3. Distracting element.
    Each time I look at this image my brain wants to see the three blades on the windmill. My brains somehow sees the item circled as one of the blades and it confuses me. Sometimes this happens but you have to keep simplicity in mind when you shoot. Think to yourself: ‘how could this image be made simpler and more effective.’ In this case it could have been by moving this item out of the frame.

    4. Out of focus element.
    The out of focus element in the foreground is also a bit distracting. It’s cut off and out of focus and as such it doesn’t really need to be there.

    Overall this is a MUCH better image.

    Good job!


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