Assignment 1: Beast to Beauty

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  • #17719
    Cara Heinish

    Photographed my book marker first at how i would normally look at it, and then from a new perspective. Please critique! Thank you!

    Duncan Rawlinson

    Very well done. You’ve decided to make this photograph more interesting by moving in closer to capture the details, and textures of your primary objects. What this also does is it removes distracting secondary elements that distract from your main visual idea.

    That being said, this is also a trap that many photographers fall into. They start to believe that to take good photographs you need to move in close because not only does it remove distracting background elements, but it also helps you simplify your color palette (something to be discussed in an upcoming lecture).

    So while it’s important to move in close to learn these technical and artistic ideas, it’s also important to test out the exact same ideas on larger scenes.

    Your beast image however, is a great example of a poorly composed shot. Notice the 4 walls of your photograph are completely cluttered. The amputate (cut off), not only the secondary elements of your photograph, but also your main object (the book). The composition and framing looks accidental.

    Your second photograph however, is much clearer and well composed. You’ve introduced lines as a strong element in this photograph.

    The one thing I would have liked to see you experiment with is lighting. You’ve used front lighting, which is almost always flat and strips your photographs of texture.

    Please take the time to watch the following 2 lighting tutorials. Although they are directed at filmmakers, the ideas discussed are exactly the same for photographers.


    Color temperature introduction

    Overall, great first assignment.

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