Assignment 1 Photos

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  • #18677
    Ashley Copple

    Ok, I chose and hour glass we have in our living room. For the second picture I covered the white wall in black and then adjusted the contrast.

    [attachment=1:ty3zztob]photo 1.JPG[/attachment:ty3zztob]

    [attachment=0:ty3zztob]photo 2.JPG[/attachment:ty3zztob]

    Duncan Rawlinson

    Hey Ashley!

    Thanks for sending in your first assignment.

    Before I go any further I want to know if you have any other cameras other than your ipad? Do you have anything else to work with?

    I can help recommend a camera if you would like to buy a new one.

    I feel like you can get more out of the course if you have something with a little more control than your ipad.

    Let me know!


    Ashley Copple

    I do, I’m sorry! I have a great professional camera, should I redo the assignment using it?

    Duncan Rawlinson

    Yes please do!

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