Assignment 2

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  • #18565
    Stephanie Cabral

    My interest in photography is to capture the beauty of the nature and world around us. I have always loved snapping photographs of mountains, oceans, waterfalls, ectcetra during my travels around the country. I have never done so with more than a point and shoot camera and that is what I seek to learn. Honestly my true inspiration is nature. Whom I feel captures it best in Ansel Adams. He was highlighted in this lesson, so I do feel it may be a bit unoriginal. However, his photographs always have a manner of drawing me in. They afford a feeling of peace, serenity and beauty that you can truly find deep inside of yourself while examining his photographs. The way he captures the sky, the clouds, the sun and water truly make you feel as though you can see them moving in a still shot.

    Additionally, Ansel Adams’ preferred method of Black and White photography matches my own. Although nature offers many beautiful and breathtaking color displays, black and white provides the natural beauty of the scene without causing distractions by color.

    My ultimate goal would to be able to take a photo as breathtaking as Ansel Adams. Even if I could come within a 50% quality of him I know I will have succeeded at my goal. Photography is only a hobby I am seeking to obtain for my one pleasure, design and personal goals. I would love to decorate my home with my own works and have them mistaken for those of possibly Ansel Adams.

    Duncan Rawlinson

    I will post a full critique of these photos after this weekend. (Probably monday or tuesday) Is that ok? If not let me know and I will spend some time on these on my weekend/holiday.

    Duncan Rawlinson

    Nice job here.

    You already know your area of interest and given that you’re ahead of the game. The assignment’s purpose is for you to find what inspires you about photography. Many people point to Ansel Adams as their inspiration for photography because he is without a doubt one of the greatest photographers of all time. He was obsessed with detail and achieving perfection in his work and it shows.

    If you want to shoot like him you’ll have to be prepared to go out and shoot in bad weather and bring your equipment to remote places. In fact over time you will learn that bad weather is your friend. Obviously you have to be very very careful and always tell people where you are…

    If you want to explore landscape photography specifically you’ll want to learn some of the following:

      Learn what makes for a great landscape photo.
      Learn leading lines.
      Learn how to achieve interesting foreground, midground, and background in the same image.
      Learn S curves.
      Learn how to achieve maximum depth of field on your capture device.
      Learn how to achieve razor sharp images.
      Learn how and where to place your tripod.
      Learn all the rules, and then learn how to break them!

    All of this comes with practice and you will figure all of this out.

    As they say, your first 10000 images are your worst.

    At this stage I wouldn’t limit yourself to shooting black and white images. With current technology and color science it’s possible to create really stunning works with color. You can always convert them to black and white later.

    Nice job here. I look forward to helping you.

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