Assignment 2

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    Since I was young, I have always been interested in drawing and painting. Until I went on a trip to Italy in 2006, I only used a camera to take pictures of my friends and family or when I was on vacation. When I was in Italy I began to see things differently through the lens of my new digital camera. I have pictures of everything from the ruins of ancient Rome to the Tuscan countryside and wineries to close-ups of the different types of windows on the Venetian buildings.

    My current interests lie mostly in nature photography. I do not know a lot about the photography “masters” — Ansel Adams is probably the only one I could have named before today. Instead I found inspiration in a local artist. Bucks County Pennsylvania photographer and artist Carl Christensen has a local gallery and a website ( which I visit frequently. I do not know and have not been able to find any information about his background, so I only know him through his work. The most significant theme (to me) throughout his work is the familiarity of the images. Because he is a local artist, many of the photographs are of places and things I have seen before, but even if I have never been to some of the locations, I somehow feel like I have. Some of my favorite photographs are the red barn-blue sky series because I love the color contrast and the rustic look of the side of the barn against the blue sky. I am also fascinated by the pictures with fog because it seems like it would be so difficult to capture that mystical look. In addition to his photography, I am very interested in learning more about his mixed media work, where he combines photographs with painting.

    I hope to be able to see and capture images like these with the techniques I learn from this course.

    Duncan Rawlinson

    Thank you for sharing this.

    Mixed media is something quite a few photographers are getting into. I think it’s a good direction becuase I feel that photographers can learn a lot from painting techniques since concepts such as composition, framing and lighting are much more controllable. These are all ideas that photographers can learn greatly from.

    If you get into mixed media there is a section in our student forum for you to post a link to your website. Myself and other students would love to see your work once you get that completed (it’s actually part of a later assignment…. so no rush).

    Again, thank you for sharing.

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