Assignment 4

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  • #17611

    I used an orange filter for this picture

    Duncan Rawlinson

    Excellent photograph and great use of a subtle filter. This image is so full of texture. It’s also a brave photograph because you’ve decided to shoot a large scene. This is what we hope most of our students do. We want to see people evolve from working with simple compositions and ensuring a high level of both technical and artistic integrity. After this, we hop to see photographs like this where the image is larger and the photographers if forced to organize more chaotic scenes.

    Let me start by discussing some of the highlights. For starters, the exposure brought out the best textures in this photograph. The birds are very clear and full of texture, the boat is incredibly rich and full of texture, as are the secondary elements such as the tires and wooden poles in the water.

    The only concern I have with this photograph is the use of lines. You’ve done a great job with using lines and shapes in this photograph. The only issue I noticed, is that you need to pay attention to how these lines interact with your photographs other elements. For example, notice your horizon line in the background and how that intersects the head of the bird. If you either moved your positioning down, or move placed your camera higher, you would have made this line fall above or below your bird, which would have made that point a little more focused and less distracting.

    On a similar note, notice how you’ve cut off (i.e. amputate) the boats motor. I would argue that you need to change your positioning a bit to include that entire item. It will help enhance the both the organization and composition of your shot.

    Other than that, this is a terrific photograph! Great work.

    p.s. the rest of your assignment will be reviewed today. Sorry for the slight delay.

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