Assignment #6

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  • #18020

    I like this photo because of the vertical lines of the stands. Also, although subtle in comparison, the lines in the dirt. The trees in the background are not the main focus but l think they add a nice touch of lines too. When I look at this photo, at first glance it seems quite simple to me but after a better look, you can really start to see the details in all of the lines throughout the photo.

    Duncan Rawlinson

    Hello and thank you for uploading this image.

    However, we only review 1 image / assignment unless otherwise noted. If two images are ever uploaded we often just review the 1 that requires more attention. We do this in order to keep our course fee as low as it is.

    So I did look at your reflection photograph and I think it’s beautiful. Strong use of lines, great atmosphere (mist), beautiful use of negative space (water and sky), and a simplified color palette. You can’t ask for much more.

    This photograph however, is more complicated. It’s not that it’s the weaker of the two photographs, it’s just that it requires more attention because there is more going on in the frame.

    For starters, I love your use of strong layers. You have a strong foreground, middle ground and background. Not only that but each layer possesses great design elements that you’ve worked very strategically with. For example, you’ve taken each layer and you’ve designed three color layers. You have your brown on the bottom 1/3 or the frame. You have the blue bleachers in the middle third, and you have green trees in the top part of the frame. This helps you ensure that your photograph fits in nicely with the rule of thirds. Great work.

    I also love the placement of the person sitting in the bleachers. Great work.

    My only recommendation is to be careful of how the different objects in the photograph interact with one another. Don’t forget, photography is two dimensional, so layer interaction becomes increasingly important. The horse and rider are undoubtedly your main subjects. I love the dirt that kicked up as the horse turns. However, I don’t like not being able to see the back of the horse. It appears to be such a magnificent creature and I would have loved to see it without any part of it being blocked. The can in the middle covers about a third of the horse.

    For example, what about something like this:

    You still have great use of lines, great use of color and overall strong compositional elements, but you have nothing blocking the horse.

    Often covering part of your main object with another object is unavoidable, but in this case I think it’s a bit too much covered. I would have liked to see the power of the horse’s back legs.

    Great work overall. It’s a very brave image in it’s use of space. Great work!

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